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The Facts
Did you know Cartia aspirin
- Has a special Duentric coating that helps reduce the risk of irritation to your stomach
- Is Australia’s No. 1 selling low dose aspirin in value
- Is made in Australia

A Little Motivation to Keep You Healthy
When life deals us a blow it’s normal to feel down, stressed or even a little guilty for a while. But it’s also a chance to make a fresh start. Reconsider old habits and start making new ones. It can be the reason to get off the couch and exercise more regularly, the inspiration for a healthier lifestyle, or just the motivation to enjoy life and the people around you.
All you need is the right motivation.

Healthy foods for a healthy heart
Healthy eating is not all about dieting and depriving yourself of the foods you love, it means eating the right foods in the right amounts – it’s about being healthy and feeling great!
Want to eat better but just don’t know where to start? Click here, to read about tips to help you get started: